Integrate ChatGPT in iOS-iPadOS-macOS

Without the official support

Posted by Giulio Magnifico on Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A few days ago, I watched the latest WWDC event from Apple, and I was overall positively impressed, especially with the “Apple Intelligence” segment. The integration of ChatGPT in iOS 18 seems to be very well done! …but it isn’t available for all devices and at the moment I’m writing is not yet available in the beta.


With this post, I want to share how I integrated ChatGPT into my iOS, iPadOS, and macOS workflow using a beautiful app called Text Workflow and Shortcuts.

First, the result, so you don’t have to spend time reading this post if you don’t find it useful. Here is a short .gif of how it works on iOS:


And is the same on macOS:


How to do

In a nutshell, the app Text Workflow has built-in integration with ChatGPT and Shortcut, so I created my workflows in the app using a ChatGPT prompt and set up some quick and easy Shortcuts to access theese workflows seamlessly without switching or opening other apps.


With a workflow that looks like this:


I then integrated the Text Workflow’s workflow into a Shortcut in this way:



And that’s all! It may take some time to write all the workflows and shortcuts, but it’s very easy to achieve, thank to the app Text Workflowthat’s excellent and syncs with iCloud on other Apple devices, so you have to create the workflows just once.

Here are some text shortcuts that I use to speed up my day (so you can take inspiration):


Sure, this isn’t as well integrated into iOS or macOS as thr Apple’s native solutions, but it’s available now and works on all devices. Instead, Apple Intelligence will be limited to certain devices, particularly on iOS, where it’s available only on the iPhone 15 Pro and newer models.